Resume of a Home Maker

Résumé of a Home Maker

By: Nargis

Have you ever been in a situation where you have had to make a choice between your career and your home?

Have you tried to return to the workforce after spending several years caring for your children and/or elderly parents?

Returning to the workforce after a long career break can be challenging and sometimes scary. You have probably forgotten some computer skills, may not be up to date with the changes in your industry, or your confidence level may not be as high as someone who has continuously been working.

The reality is, home making is also a profession in itself; people are trained, hired and paid to care for others’ homes, children and elders. Just because you did it for your own home, your own children or your own parents (and didn’t get paid for it), does not mean that you did not build any skills.

I am a home maker, and I have analyzed some of the numerous jobs that most home makers do on a daily basis, and realized that the skills we build are not too different from the skills required in a work environment. Take a look at the list below and see if they apply to you. Even if you are already working AND taking care of your home, you should be able to relate to these skills:

  • Maintenance Manager – Maintaining the house by cooking, doing laundry and cleaning
  • Personal Meal Planner & Nutritionist – Planning meals according to your family’s preferences while ensuring healthy nutrition standards are met
  • Interior Designer & Decorator – Creating a warm and comfortable environment for the family and visitors
  • Facilities Technician – Performing fixes and repairs around the home
  • Organization & Storage Skills – Organizing family belongings and storing valuables/keepsakes appropriately
  • Purchasing Specialist – Creating shopping lists, researching the best deals and shopping for items
  • Budget Controller – Maintaining budgets and controlling expenditures
  • Accounts Payable Administrator – Paying bills and maintaining credit records
  • Teaching Assistant – Assisting children with homework, projects and extra-curricular/recreational activities
  • Event Management – Organizing and scheduling children’s parties, family gatherings and play dates
  • Health & Safety Coordinator – Ensuring the home is safe and taking measures to prevent unsafe conditions
  • First Aid & Nursing – Attending to sick/injured family members and caring for them until they get well
  • Soft Skills – Multitasking, decision-making, leadership, organizing, project management, change management, process improvements, time management, detail-oriented, ability to remain calm under pressure, prioritizing, meeting multiple deadlines, analyzing, problem-solving, applying good judgment, and the list goes on and on and on…..

Are you a home maker? Full-time or part-time? Or do you know someone who is? Can you relate to the skills above? Please share your own experiences and skills that you have mastered in your home.

Home is where the heart is, and your family lives a comfortable life because of your dedication and hard work. So do not underestimate yourself or the person who does this for you.

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