Working from home

3 Tips to Achieve Work-Life Balance While Working From Home


While working from home is a dream come true for many, there are still some challenges that come with this lifestyle. Balancing your work with your personal life remains one of the biggest challenges. The problem is that while working from home can be an amazing opportunity, it can also be a huge distraction from your personal life. You may find yourself overworking while neglecting your self-care and your personal life.

The good news is that you can take steps right now to achieve a healthy work-life balance while working from home. Below are 3 tips that will help you take care of yourself, enjoy your personal life and be more productive at work.


1. Take Breaks


Take Breaks


Taking regular breaks from your work enables you to clear your mind and release muscular strain. It will also give your eyes a break from looking at the computer screen all day. You might feel that you are too busy and do not have the time to take breaks. However, if you schedule your breaks into your calendar at the beginning of each week, you will realize that you will be more productive during the time you are working. For example, block your calendar for about half an hour so you can take a lunch break. I like to go outside in nature to get some fresh air and sunshine. If you have kids or pets, spend a few minutes playing with them. These mini breaks will refresh and rejuvenate your mind and body, so when you get back to work, you will be more focused and productive.


2. Plan Your Day




A daily schedule can help you manage your time efficiently and effectively. Create a to-do list, listing tasks in order of priority. Pay attention to deadlines and due dates, and plan the tasks in such a way that you are not scrambling to complete them at the last minute. Your daily schedule should also have set start and stop times for your work day, the same as if you were physically going to the office, for example, 9 am to 5 pm. When working from home, it is very tempting to stay logged in and keep checking emails early in the morning or late into the night. I have learned to discipline myself to log out at a set time and log in the next day, unless something absolutely urgent needs my immediate attention.


3. Learn to Say No




When working from home, you might find yourself taking on more tasks than what your role requires you to do. While it is good to take on a task to build your skills, it is important to set boundaries and be aware of how much you can handle. If you are constantly working overtime to complete your work, then it is time to take a step back and take action to manage your time effectively. Have an honest and open discussion with your manager. Or, if you are a manager, you may need to delegate some of your tasks to your team. Remember that you have a personal life too and you also need to take care of yourself so that you do not burn out. A simple thing to remember is that a candle burns efficiently when it only burns from one side, so avoid overloading yourself with extra tasks than what you can manage.

As a final tip, set realistic expectations of how much you can accomplish in a day. Do not let your work or home life be dictated by others. Be your own boss and take responsibility for your life.

“If you feel ‘burnout’ setting in, if you feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best, for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself.” – Dalai Lama

Are you overworking yourself and preventing work-life balance? What tips and tricks do you have to achieve work-life balance? Share your ideas in the comments below, so we can motivate and inspire each other to be productive at work while taking care of ourselves.

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