Loving Yourself

How often do you do something just for yourself? When you board an airplane, one of the safety instructions you get is “put on your oxygen mask first before helping someone else”. Why? Because if you do not take care of yourself first, you may not be able to take care of others. When you love yourself and take care of yourself, you become the best version of yourself, and everyone benefits.

How Resilient Are You?

How Resilient Are You?

Resilience is defined as “the ability to bounce back quickly from difficult circumstances”....

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

Have you ever been in situations when you felt like no matter how hard you tried, things just did...

Quiz – Fun Facts about Canada

Canada's birthday is July 1. Take this quiz to learn some fun facts about Canada.  ...

Mastering Productivity: A Practical Guide to Boosting Your Day with the Two-Minute Rule

I recently learned a new and powerful strategy to get things done, even the most daunting tasks....

Never Give Up

Have you ever been in situations when you felt like no matter how hard you tried, things just did...

Work-life Balance? That’s so Pre-2020

Remember when flexible work arrangements and working from home were viewed as work-life balance?...

6 Questions You Must Answer to Communicate Effectively

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of communication? For most people,...

Celebrating Father’s Day Every Day: A Compassionate and Inclusive Approach

Father’s Day is a special occasion to honor and appreciate the fathers and father figures in our...

Chana Bateta (Chick peas and potatoes in a savoury coconut soup)


Chana Bateta is a popular East-African dish enjoyed as a snack or meal.

How to Overcome Return-to-Office Anxiety

At the beginning of 2020, the world was literally shut down due to the Covid-19 pandemic. While...

3 Self-Imposed Limits that Stop Us from Learning

When someone mentions learning, the first thing that comes to mind is going to school. However,...

Excelling in Performance Assessments: Your Path to Professional Excellence

Performance assessments are a critical aspect of your professional growth and development within...
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