positive affirmations

Positive Affirmations:
A Simple Tool to Boost Your Self Confidence

By: Nargis
Category: Loving Yourself

Did you know…Our brains process more than 50,000 thoughts in a day?

From the time you wake up until the time you go to sleep – and sometimes even after you sleep – your brain is constantly thinking. Thoughts range from simple things like “I need to buy milk today”, to more complex like “What is my long term career goal?”

Thoughts can also be positive or negative. Positive thoughts prompt feelings of joy, happiness and excitement. For example, thinking about an upcoming vacation. On the other hand, negative thoughts have a tendency to linger on our minds, causing worry, anxiety, pain and sadness. For example, thinking about your performance at work, or a health issue you may be concerned about. The problem with negative thoughts is that we tend to give more significance to them and often find it difficult to stop thinking about them. They can also be distracting because they are triggered very easily, even when you are in the middle of a routine task. Sometimes your thoughts might just be based on worrying about something that may not even happen but your brain keeps playing them over and over again. Excessive negative thinking can lead to serious mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety, if not addressed.

So how do we address this constant cycle of negative thinking, and replace it with positive thinking? One way is to practice positive affirmations.


What are Affirmations?



Affirmations are empowering statements which help rewire the brain to shift your mindset and build self esteem. They are simple reminders that encourage and motivate you to love yourself. We often find it easier to say encouraging words to others, but we should remember that we need to do it for ourselves too.

In this article, I will share the benefits of affirmations, how they work, how to practice them, plus a list of 7 affirmations which you can start implementing right away, for each day of the week.


Benefits of Practicing Affirmations



  1. Practicing affirmations daily strengthens your resilience so you can overcome negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.
  2. You become more aware of your thoughts, so you can immediately realize when your brain is going into the negative thinking pattern.
  3. Affirmations help you become more focused on your goals, so your thoughts and energy are always directed towards a positive mindset to accomplish your goals.
  4. You open your mind up to a whole new world of possibilities and opportunities. Negative thoughts often create a mindset of impossibility, but affirmations can turn this into an abundance mentality, where anything is possible.
  5. Overall, affirmations improve your health, both mentally and physically by reducing stress and anxiety, while increasing well being and performance.


How Affirmations Work



Affirmations work on the concept of Neuroplasticity, which is your brain’s ability to be more adaptive to changing circumstances at every stage of your life. By practicing affirmations, you train your brain to believe these affirmations as real, and when you believe you can do something, you will follow it up with actions.

1. Mental Imagery

Think about a time when you had to do something that made you nervous, for example giving an exam. I can say from my own experience that my fear of failing exams terrified me, and my brain would go into overdrive, thinking of all the things that could go wrong, and my life would be over. However, creating a mental image of you passing the exam will activate areas of your brain which would get activated when you really ace the exam. Mental imagery helps to calm your mind and body, allowing you to focus on your strengths and crush your fears.

2. Taking Action

Of course, just telling yourself you can do something and not actually doing it, will not take you very far. Think of affirmations as stepping stones towards taking action to achieve your goals. For example, you affirm to yourself “I will ace my exam”, but if you do not study, your affirmation will not make you ace your exam. The affirmation acts as a mental boost to encourage you to study with the aim of passing the exam.

3. Be Realistic

Affirmations work when you set realistic goals specific to your personality and situation. For example, if you are just starting out in your career, telling yourself that you will land your dream job after your first interview is not very realistic (great if it happens though!). Instead, be realistic with a more effective affirmation, like “I am talented and have the skills to get a good job which will grow my career”.


How to Practice Affirmations


fountain pen on black lined paper


Now that you know what affirmations are, why you should do them and how they work, it is time to start practicing them and making them a habit. Here’s how:

  1. Set aside 5 minutes every day to practice your affirmations. You can start with once daily, and then make it twice a day, for example upon waking up and before going to sleep.
  2. Repeat your affirmations about 5 to 10 times, being mindful and present in the moment without any distractions. As you say your affirmations, listen to the words and believe them.
  3. Write them down and keep them where you can see them consistently. For example, at your bedside, on your fridge or at your desk. You can also save them on your phone for easy access.
  4. Maintain a consistent routine so that it becomes a habit and you will reap the most benefits out of them. Set reminders to help you stick to the routine and stay on track.
  5. Be kind and patient with yourself. Starting a new habit, sticking to it and noticing the benefits takes time, so keep reminding yourself that you are doing something positive for your well being and do not give up.


7 Daily Affirmations

To get you started, here are 7 daily affirmations which you can start with right away. Feel free to create your own based on your unique personality and situation.

  1. I wake up each morning feeling confident and empowered
  2. I will continue to believe in myself even when no one believes in me
  3. Loving and caring for myself is not selfish – I deserve it
  4. I am doing the best I can to be the best version of myself
  5. I will eliminate distractions and be present in every moment
  6. I can let go of negativity and choose to embrace positivity
  7. I am grateful for each moment of this life that I am blessed with

Remember that affirmations are mental boosters for you to feel empowered, build self confidence and increase belief in yourself. They encourage you to take action towards achieving your goals and improving your life. Affirmations open your mind to new possibilities and make you realize your true inner potential. As J. K. Rowling said,

“We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already”.

Lastly, if you are experiencing excessive negative thoughts which are holding you back and interfering with your daily life, consider speaking with a professional therapist.

Do you practice daily affirmations? How have they helped you achieve your goals in life? Share in the comments below.


Access a FREE list of 20 Daily Affirmations below that you can download & use regularly


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  1. Avatar

    Very informative article. Thank you so much.

  2. Avatar

    Thank you for the inspiration❤️

  3. Avatar

    Nice article Nargis, thank you for the free affirmations


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